Consumer Advice Centres/ Consumer Counselling
Markgrafenstr. 66
10969 Berlin
Tel: 030-25 800 0
Fax: 030-25 800 218
Lützowplatz 11-13
10785 Berlin
Tel: 030-26 31-0
Fax: 030-26 31-27 27
Elsenstraße 106
12435 Berlin
Tel: 030-53 60 73-3
Fax: 030-53 60 73-45
The monthly magazine "Öko-Test" focuses on ecological matters:
Postfach 90 07 66
60447 Frankfurt/Main
Tel: 0 69-9 77 77-0
Fax: 0 69-9 77 77-139
The Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture is also responsible for consumer protection:
Wilhelmstraße 54
11055 Berlin
Tel: 030-20 06-0
Fax: 030-20 06-42 62