A Manual for Germany > Organisations and Contacts

Organisations and Contacts

There are many advice centres specially for immigrants in most German cities. Most town halls also have offices which are solely dedicated to providing information on such matters. The following list should help give you an overview of the main organisations.

European Union

Information on your rights within the European Union can be found on the Internet (Hyperlink: www.europa.eu.int/citizensrights) or directly by calling the Info-Line (Tel: 00800-67891011).

German Federal Ministries

Auswärtiges Amt

Werderscher Markt 1
10117 Berlin
Tel: 01888-17-0
Fax: 01888-17-3402

Hyperlink: www.auswaertiges-amt.de

Bundesministerium des Innern

Alt-Moabit 101 D
10559 Berlin
Tel: 01888-681-0
Fax: 01888-681-2926

Hyperlink: www.bmi.bund.de

Bundesministerium der Justiz (BMJ)

Mohrenstraße 37
10117 Berlin
Tel 01888-58-0
Fax 01888-58-9525

Hyperlink: www.bmj.bund.de

Bundesministerium der Finanzen

Wilhelmstr. 97
10117 Berlin
Tel: 01888-682-0
Fax: 01888-682-32 60

Hyperlink: www.bundesfinanzministerium.de

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Scharnhorststraße 34-37
10115 Berlin
Tel: 01888-615-0
Fax: 01888-615-70 10

Hyperlink: www.bmwa.bund.de

Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

Wilhelmstraße 54
10117 Berlin
Tel: 01888-529-0
Fax: 01888-529- 4262

Hyperlink: www.verbraucherministerium.de

Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

Alexanderplatz 6
10178 Berlin
Tel: 01888-555-0
Fax: 01888-555-1145

Hyperlink: www.bmfsfj.de

Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung

Wilhelmstraße 49
10117 Berlin
Tel: 01888-441-0
Fax: 01888-441-4900

Hyperlink: www.bmgs.bund.de

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Hannoversche Straße 28-30
10115 Berlin
Tel: 01888-57-0
Fax: 01888-57-5270

Hyperlink: www.bmbf.de

Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration

Alexanderplatz 6
10178 Berlin
Tel: 01888-555-1835
Fax: 01888-555-4512

Hyperlink: www.integrationsbeauftragte.de

Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Aussiedlerfragen und nationale Minderheiten

Alt-Moabit 101 D
10559 Berlin
Tel: 01888-681-1120
Fax: 01888-681-1138

Consumer Advice Centres/ Consumer Counselling

Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen und Verbraucherverbände, Verbraucherzentrale

Markgrafenstr. 66
10969 Berlin
Tel: 030-25 800 0
Fax: 030-25 800 218

Hyperlink: www.vzbv.de

"Stiftung Warentest"

Lützowplatz 11-13
10785 Berlin
Tel: 030-26 31-0
Fax: 030-26 31-27 27

Hyperlink: www.stiftung-warentest.de


Elsenstraße 106
12435 Berlin
Tel: 030-53 60 73-3
Fax: 030-53 60 73-45

Hyperlink: www.verbraucher.org

The monthly magazine "Öko-Test" focuses on ecological matters:

Öko-Test Verlag GmbH

Postfach 90 07 66
60447 Frankfurt/Main
Tel: 0 69-9 77 77-0
Fax: 0 69-9 77 77-139

Hyperlink: www.oekotest.de

The Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture is also responsible for consumer protection:

Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

Wilhelmstraße 54
11055 Berlin
Tel: 030-20 06-0
Fax: 030-20 06-42 62

Hyperlink: www.verbraucherministerium.de

Social Advisory Services (Charitable Organisations)

Charitable organisations have offices in many local areas. The addresses and telephone numbers can be found in the local telephone directories or at the Internet websites.

Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AW or AWO)

Hyperlink: www.awo.org

Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband

Hyperlink: www.paritaet.org

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)

Hyperlink: www.drk.de

Diakonie or das Diakonische Werk

Hyperlink: www.diakonie.de


Hyperlink: www.caritas.de

Zentralwohlfahrtstelle der Juden in Deutschland

Hyperlink: www.zwst.org

Pro Familia (for family planning, sex education and partnership problems)

Hyperlink: www.profamilia.de

Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften (IAF)

Hyperlink: www.verband-binationaler.de

Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung

Hyperlink: www.bke.de


The "DGB" ("Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund") is the umbrella association for trade unions in Germany. There are offices in all German cities and regions.

Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

Henriette-Herz-Platz 2
10178 Berlin
Tel: 030-24060-0
Fax: 030-24060-324

Hyperlink: www.dgb.de

Employers' associations

The “Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände” is the umbrella association for employers. It has offices in most large German urban areas.

Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände

Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Tel: 030-2033-0
Fax: 030-2033-1055

Hyperlink: www.arbeitgeber.de

Chambers of Industry and Commerce

The "DIHK" is the umbrella association for the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. It has offices in most large German urban areas.

Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK)

Breite Strasse 29
10178 Berlin
Tel: 030-20308-0
Fax: 030-20308-1000

Hyperlink: www.dihk.de

Agentur für Arbeit (Job Centre)

The "Agentur für Arbeit" has a great deal of helpful advice for job-seekers, on qualifications and further training, and information on job offers. Offices can be found in every large German town and city and in every region.

Hyperlink: www.arbeitsagentur.de

Foreigner Advisory Council

There is an “Ausländerbeirat” in every large town and city. The council represents the interests of immigrants. Information is available from your local town hall or at Hyperlink: www.bundesauslaenderbeirat.de.


"Pro Asyl" represents the interests of asylum seekers and refugees (office in Frankfurt/Main). Internet address:

Hyperlink: www.proasyl.de

If you are a refugee and you need advice, you can also visit your local charitable organisations.

Tenant Associations

Tenant associations represent the interests of tenants. There are offices in most large German urban areas.

Hyperlink: www.mieterbund.de

Embassies and Consulates

The address of the diplomatic representation of your country in Germany can be found at the local town hall or at the German Foreign Office.

Auswärtiges Amt

Werderscher Markt 1
10117 Berlin, PA.: 11013 Berlin
Tel: 01888-17-0
Fax: 01888-17-3402

Hyperlink: www.auswaertiges-amt.de

AIDS Advice Centres

Information on AIDS and addresses of advice centres across Germany can be found on the Internet at Hyperlink: www.aidshilfe.de. Your doctor can also tell you where the nearest advice centres for AIDS are or you can ask your local health office ("Gesundheitsamt"). It is important to remember than all queries will be dealt with extreme discretion and you will remain anonymous.

Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.

Dieffenbachstr. 33
10967 Berlin
Tel: 030-690087-0
Fax: 030-690087-42

Telephone Help Lines

If you are in urgent need of help or advice and are in a troubled state you can ring special telephone help lines day and night. The advice and help is free of charge, anonymous and confidential.


0800-111011 oder 0800-1110222

You can also use the Internet:

Hyperlink: www.telefonseelsorge.de

Women’s Refuges

The telephone number of the nearest women’s refuge is available from the police or from directory enquiries. The addresses of these women’s refuges are kept secret so that women who are seeking refuge can feel safe and be sure that their husbands or fathers will not find them.