A Manual for Germany > Everyday Life  > Post Offices and Telecommunications  > Directory Enquires

Directory Enquires


Telephone and fax numbers can be found in telephone directories or by calling directory enquiries. The number for the "Deutsche Telekom" information service (“Telekom Auskunft”) is 11833; the information for foreign numbers (“Auslandsauskunft”) is 11834. A service in Turkish can be reached at 11836, and 11837 is in English. Another company offers an information service under the number 11881. Telephone numbers can also be found using a mobile phone (the number here is also 11881). Information is charged at different rates. CD-Roms with the majority of all telephone numbers in Germany are available and can be used on all computers with a disc drive. There are also a number of companies that offer this service. The website Hyperlink: www.telefonbuch.de also has a listing of phone numbers. The current cheapest telephone information numbers are listed on the website. Hyperlink: www.tariftip.de.

Telephone Directories and "Yellow Pages"

The printed telephone directories contain the majority of numbers in any particular region. Commercial numbers and addresses are listed in the "Yellow Pages" ("Gelbe Seiten"). Both books can be found at post offices.