Problems in the Workplace
Does my wage accord with the collective pay agreements? As an employee, do I have a right to a Christmas bonus? Can my employer demand that I work overtime? What holiday rights do I have? What happens if I am ill or have an accident? Information and help with problems in the workplace are provided by the "Betriebsrat" in private companies and by the Staff Council ("Personalrat") in public administration and local authorities.
It is also worth getting in touch with the "Betriebsrat" if you are discriminated against or bullied at work by colleagues or senior staff. The employer is legally obliged to protect the personal rights and health of its employees.
Employees have numerous legal possibilities to protect themselves. They can find out information from the responsible company department or receive advice from and/or legal representation from their trade union or a lawyer. There is no legal obligation to use a lawyer in labour courts of the first instance. Labour courts have a "Rechtsantragsstelle", which is a special office where you can file a suit. Although they are not permitted to provide you with any individual legal advice, they will help you correctly lodge a statement of claim. It is also possible to claim legal aid for conducting a lawsuit.
You can find out further information by checking the Services pages of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour) at or by calling their information hotline at 0180 5 615 003 (0.12 €/Min.) You can also visit the homepage of the German Confederation of Trade Unions ("Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund") at as well as the DGB homepage specifically dealing with migration issues provided by its training arm, the DGB Bildungswerk, at