A Manual for Germany > Politics and Law  > Discrimination and Equal Opportunities  > Abuse in the Family

Abuse in the Family

In Germany every form of abuse within the family is illegal. Parents may not punish their children by hitting them. This is against the law. Anyone who is abused by their spouse does not have to fear being deported should they leave their spouse. If this abused person separates from their spouse they are allowed to remain in Germany (see chapter Cross-reference: Foreigners’ Rights). In cases of domestic violence, the police can be called and the offender removed from the apartment and not permitted back. If the police believe there is a risk of a violent attack, or if one has already taken place, they can demand the keys from the offender and remove that person from the apartment. A restraining order can and should be applied for immediately, which forbids the offender from entering the home and protects the spouse and family by forbidding the offender to contact the abused person. There are women's shelters in most German cities where women can seek refuge for a period of time. Telephone numbers can be found in the telephone directory or are available from the police. The anonymity of the victim is guaranteed. Help and advice can be sought from the Association for the Protection of Children ("Kinderschutzbund"), charitable organisations (see chapter Cross-reference: Organisations and Contacts), the Youth Welfare Office ("Jugendamt") and special advice centres and lawyers.