The Pre-Christmas Period
Martin’s Day is on the 10th or 11th of November, depending on the region. Children form a procession carrying lanterns moving from house to house, singing or reciting poetry and hoping for gifts. The legend of "Martin of Tours" says that, when he was a young soldier, he shared his overcoat with a freezing beggar. The "Martin’s Fire" ("Martinsfeuer") burns away the summer to make way for the coming spring.
"Advent" is the four weeks leading up to Christmas. The Latin word "adventus" means "arrival". It refers to the period of preparation for the coming of Jesus on the first day of Christmas. Many families have what is known as an "Adventskranz" ("Advent crown") with 4 candles. A candle is lit on each of the four Sundays of Advent. During Advent, sweet pastries are often eaten and Christmas decorations are put up around the home. An "Adventskalender" ("Advent Calendar") is often made or bought for children. The calendar has 24 windows with small presents or pictures behind each window, for each day from the 1st until the 24th of December, Christmas Eve.
On the 6th of December ("Nikolaustag") children are given sweets and chocolate and small presents. The children leave a shoe outside the door on the eve of the 6th of December and the parents fill the shoe with presents. Special gifts can be bought in bakeries and cake shops for this day. Legend has is that Saint Nicolas brought back to life three murdered school children. He is therefore the patron saint of school children.